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The Capture the Cache Exhibition has been revitalized with a fresh new vibe, expanding to all forms of art! We will be accepting submissions of photographs and artwork celebrating the natural beauty, culture, and heritage of the Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area.

The submission portal will be open from Monday, March 3 to Sunday, May 4, 2025. Participants will submit their photographs and/or artwork to three different categories: agriculture, community, and weather. Entrants may submit up to three pieces per category for consideration. Maximum entry is nine pieces per photographer/artist on one Entry Form. From those submissions, a number of pieces (up to 30) will be selected for the Capture the Cache Exhibition, a juried art show.

The Capture the Cache Exhibition is a juried art show that supports the artist communities along our river corridor. The art pieces displayed at the event will be chosen from the submissions and a jury will select awardees from those pieces selected. Participating artists and show winners will be celebrated during the Opening Reception on the evening of Tuesday, June 3rd at Visit Fort Collins in Old Town. The Opening Reception is a ticketed, evening event, including a plein air art demonstration, hors d’oeuvres, and drinks. Participants selected for the Exhibition will receive one complimentary ticket to the event. The Exhibition will also be showcased at Visit Fort Collins’ First Friday Art Walk™ in June and open to the public for the month after the Opening Reception. Exhibit pieces will also be available for purchase.

All artists included in this exhibit will receive compensation for their artwork.

Requirements for the Show:

We invite photographers and artists to showcase their original artwork in our upcoming Capture the Cache Exhibition 2025. Show submission is open to residents and visitors alike. This juried exhibit will have two primary mediums: photography and artwork.

2025 Categories

  • Agriculture
    • This category could include, but is not limited to, agricultural landscapes, equipment, history of agriculture, farm animals, farmers, farmers markets, produce, and farm tours.
  • Community
    • This category could include, but is not limited to, community events, pets, pet friendly places, gatherings, and recreation (biking, rafting, hiking, etc).
  • Weather
    • This category could include sunrise/sunset, lightening, clouds, rain, and much more.

The Rules


This exhibit is open to any amateur or professional photographer or artist except Cache NHA employees and board members, jurors and members of their immediate families. Entrants must be at least 16 years of age to participate. The competition is open to residents and visitors alike.

Artwork Specifications

  • Photography and artwork submitted must align with one or more of the following categories: agriculture, community, and weather.
  • Photography must be taken within the boundaries of Cache NHA, and artwork must be inspired by the nature, culture, and heritage of Cache NHA.
  • We welcome artwork in any medium including painting, glass, pottery, textiles, drawing, printmaking, digital art, mixed media, etc.
  • Photography taken with drones must follow applicable local ordinances and FFA guidelines.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions must be made digitally through our designated platform by May 2, 2025. Photographs and artwork must both be submitted digitally, either the original photographs or photographs of the artwork. Images can be in color or black and white. Images must be a minimum resolution of 300 DPI (dots per inch) and no smaller than 3072 x 2304 pixels (or 10.24 x 7.68 inches). Images should be in RGB color format and be submitted as JPG (at high quality) or PNG. Do not resample small files to fit requirements, as it will compromise the quality of the image. Images can be horizontal or vertical.
  • Each photographer or artist may submit up to three pieces per category for consideration. Maximum entry is nine submissions per photographer/artist. All pieces will be submitted on one Entry Form.
  • Each submission must be accompanied by a title and medium.
  • Each submission must be labeled FirstName_LastName_Category_SubmissionNumber. For example, John_Smith_Agriculture_1
  • Each photograph must specify the location within the Cache NHA the photograph was taken.
  • Each piece of artwork will include its dimensions, briefly describe how the piece is inspired by the nature, culture, and heritage of Cache NHA, and include a commission price of $25-$100 of the artist’s choosing.

Submission Fees and Commission

  • Entry fee $0
  • Photographers will receive a $25 commission for each image selected for exhibition.
  • Artists will receive a commission for each piece selected for exhibition based on the commission price listed in the submission.
  • The photography and artwork included in the exhibition will be available for sale during the exhibition. Sales and unsold pieces will be retained by the organization in charge of the event.

Notification of Acceptance

  • Photographers and artists whose work is selected for the exhibition will be notified via email by May 16.
  • Each photographer and artist whose work has been selected for the exhibition will receive an invitation to an opening reception.

Jury Process

  • Cache NHA will select photographs and artwork to be included in the exhibition at its sole discretion.
  • A panel of jurors will award first, second, and third place for each category (agriculture, community, and weather) as well as an overall Best of Show. Awards will be in the form of a ribbon and/or certificate. All award decisions will be final.

Delivery and Return of Artwork

Accepted artworks must be securely packed and delivered ready for installation. The artist is responsible for the timely delivery of artwork to the venue. Cache NHA will be responsible for the printing and display of photographs on exhibit. All items will have received a commission and will not be returned at the conclusion of the exhibit.

Model Release

Photos containing recognizable people must be accompanied by a model release form (available under Photo Release) signed by the subject or a parent or legal guardian, if subject is under 18 years of age.


Each photographer/ artist will retain all rights to any image submitted – including ownership if applicable – other than those rights licensed in the next sentence. By entering the contest, each photographer hereby grants to the Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area (i) a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free license to reproduce, sell reproductions, distribute, publicly display the images submitted to the Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area and (ii) the right to use the photographer’s/artists name, city and state of residence in promotions and other publications. Photographs and artwork, regardless of the medium, will not be returned. The winning images with appropriate credit will appear on the Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area website, social media channels and upcoming printed materials.

Photos containing recognizable people must be accompanied by a model release form signed by the subject or a parent or legal guardian, if the subject is under 18 years of age.

Submission to this call for entry constitutes acceptance of all the artist requirements and terms outlined above.

Additional Information


  1. What types of artwork is accepted?
    1. We are accepting all mediums.
  2. How many pieces can I submit?
    1. Entrants can submit 3 pieces per category for a total of 9 pieces total. All pieces will be submitted on one Entry Form.
  3. How will I know if my pieces have been selected for the Exhibition?
    1. Photographers and artists whose work is selected for the exhibition will be notified via email by May 16.
  4. Who do I contact regarding questions about the Capture the Cache Exhibition submissions and event?
    1. Please contact Rylyn Todd ( with any questions.