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Loving the shoutout from Odell Brewery. It’s great to have a community partner recognizing the importance of healthy forests and clean rivers. Check out the full article from the Nature Conservancy here.

Exerpt from the article:


“Odell Brewing is engaged in OktoberForest because we are passionate about our most valuable resource: water. As a brewery, water makes up approximately 95% of our finished product so without access to clean water, we have nothing to offer our consumers.  Fort Collins water comes directly from the Rocky Mountains through the Cache la Poudre River. Forest health and water quality were brought to focus in 2012, when the High Park Fire devoured a huge section of forest above our town followed by a 100-year flood event in 2013. This series of events inundated our City with ashy, muddy water for a long time after.  Ensuring the health of our forests is vital to both the quality of our beer as well as our mental well being. Add a beer to easy forest access and you’ve got yourself a great recipe for an adventure year round.”