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Welcome to the SOLO Learning Hub!

“Study Outdoors, Learn Outdoors” (SOLO) was designed as a fun family excursion or as a field trip for educators and homeschools. Each route has a lesson plan and a route map. Created by two local educators, SOLO Field Trip routes align with Colorado Academic Standards and connect youth to the landscape of the Poudre River.  

SOLO field trips are designed with simplicity in mind. Just choose your route, download the materials that you need, sign up online, then head out on your learning adventure.   

See the Process Step by Step

Step 1: Browse through the routes. Buttons under each route tab provide the lesson plan, route map, and additional materials for your SOLO Field Trip.

Step 2: Sign up your students, children, or participants if you haven’t done so already! This way you are eligible to receive a sticker upon completion.

Step 3: Download the route map and read the lesson plan for the suggested activity procedure and materials.

Step 4: Head out on your desired route, be safe, and have fun!

Step 5:  Learners can log and submit answers online when they get home or turn in their handwritten answers to their teacher, parent, or guardian.

Greeley’s Number 3 Walking Route


Route questions and activities suitable for 4th and 5th-grade aged participants

Route Map Link:

Start: Poudre Learning Center

End: 71st. Ave. Trailhead

Total Miles: 1.6 miles (one-way)

Walking Time: Approx. 31 min.

Greeley’s Number 3 Biking Route


Route questions and activities suitable for 4th and 5th-grade aged participants

Route map link:

Start: Poudre Learning Center

End: Rover Run Dog Park

Total Miles: 4.2 miles (one-way)

Biking Time: Approx. 42 min.

Past, Present, and Future Fort Collins Walking Route

This route contains some unpaved trails, during the Spring season be mindful of muddy and potentially slippery trail conditions


Route questions and activities suitable for 7th and 8th-grade aged participants

Route map link:

Start: Aztlan Community Center

End: McMurry Natural Area River Gage

Total Miles: 1.2 miles (One way)

Walking Time: Approx 30 minutes

Past, Present, and Future Fort Collins Biking Route

This route contains some unpaved trails, during the Spring season be mindful of muddy and potentially slippery trail conditions


Route questions and activities suitable for 7th and 8th-grade aged participants

Route map link:

Start: 1457 N Taft Hill Road Trailhead

End: Northside Aztlan Community Center

Total Miles: 2.8 Miles (One way)

Biking Time: Approx 30 min (One way)

Placeholder 3 Walking Route

map placeholder


Route map link:

Start: Poudre Learning Center

End: 71st. Ave. Trailhead

Total Miles: 1.6 miles (one-way)

Walking Time: Approx. 31 min.

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Placeholder 4 Biking Route

map placeholder


Route map link:

Start: Poudre Learning Center

End: 71st. Ave. Trailhead

Total Miles: 1.6 miles (one-way)

Walking Time: Approx. 31 min.

After You’re Done

Input your answers to the field trip questions, upload your Seasonal Selfies, and answer some questions about your experience.  Don’t forget to complete/sign the participant/photo waiver.

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Placeholder 5 Walking Route

map placeholder


Route map link:

Start: Poudre Learning Center

End: 71st. Ave. Trailhead

Total Miles: 1.6 miles (one-way)

Walking Time: Approx. 31 min.

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Placeholder 6 Biking Route

map placeholder


Route map link:

Start: Poudre Learning Center

End: 71st. Ave. Trailhead

Total Miles: 1.6 miles (one-way)

Walking Time: Approx. 31 min.

After You’re Done

Input your answers to the field trip questions, upload your Seasonal Selfies, and answer some questions about your experience.  Don’t forget to complete/sign the participant/photo waiver.

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After You’re Done

Input your answers below to the field trip questions-this is your Route Report, upload your Seasonal Selfies, and give us some feedback about your experience.

  • If you were assigned this route as a class or by your teacher, please write their name above.
    Select the route you completed to answer questions about each point of interest!
  • Submit

    I agree to participate in the SOLO Field Trip Program (“Program”) and that all text and images submitted to Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area/Poudre Heritage Alliance (“Sponsors”) associated with the Program may be used and reused by the Sponsors for purposes of illustration, advertising, promotion, display or publication, and for any other lawful, non-commercial use. This consent has no limits as to media, territory or time. I understand that these images may be cropped, edited or otherwise altered and that whether any of them is used, and how it is used, is entirely for Sponsor (or its licensees) to decide. I hereby relinquish all rights to review or approve any such use. I hereby authorize the Sponsors to use my name and any biographical data I may provide in connection with this project. I hereby represent and warrant that: I have full authority to grant this consent and release. Nothing herein violates the terms of any affiliation I may have with any third party and I take full responsibility for satisfying all obligations arising from any such affiliation. I HEREBY RELEASE THE CACHE LA POUDRE RIVER NATIONAL HERITAGE AREA, POUDRE HERITAGE ALLIANCE, THEIR SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TOGETHER WITH THEIR OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES, AGENCIES AND LICENSEES, FROM ALL LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH ANY USE OF THESE ASSETS.