3745 E Prospect Rd, Fort Collins, CO
Colorado experts provide complimentary Colorado maps, routing information, weather updates, brochures and more. The welcome center houses the administrative offices of the Poudre Heritage Alliance / Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area and is surrounded by more than 200 acres of nature preserve, with nature and interpretive trails, picnic areas and more. The Welcome Center is one of two locations in the Heritage Area where you can obtain a NPS passport stamp. The other location where you can obtain a stamp is the Poudre Learning Center.
Tourism Information
Hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday
Memorial Day to Labor Day: 8am-6pm;
Labor Day to Memorial Day: 8am-5pm
Visitors welcome
From I-25, head north towards Fort Collins. Take exit 268 and turn left (west) onto Propect Rd. Turn left (south) onto the Frontage Road and then enter the Welcome Center, which be on your right, closest to Propsect Rd.