Historic images were taken from early photos and brought to life with Artist Lisa Cameron’s colorful, energetic painting style. This project was made possible by One Percent Water Funds, and is a culmination of efforts by the Greeley Art Commission, Culture and Public Art, the Greeley Museums, Island Grove, the Monfort Family and artist Lisa Cameron Russell. Cameron Russell has created an additional 600 feet to the existing art fence titled, “Go West” to continue the story of Greeley’s water history. The portion of the fence surrounding the Monfort house, a part of Greeley’s living history museum, displays a glimpse of Monfort family history on painted fence panels.

The exterior of the Monfort House has been renovated by returning it to its original white clapboard siding, highlighted with dark shutters, repairing the roof, revamping the main floor public spaces – including a public restroom, and beautifying the grounds with both native and hybrid perennials – now entirely encircled by the Go West Art Fence.