Poudre Pub Talks are a series of FREE educational presentations, open to the public, presented by the Poudre Heritage Alliance, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that manages the Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area. Pub Talks lead up to the 4th Annual Poudre Pour on Saturday, September 25, 2021 at Boardwalk Park in Windsor, Colorado.
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JULY 28 – 6PM | Horse & Dragon Brewing Company
Downtown Fort Collins River District: 10-Year Snapshot of Change
with Matt Robenalt, Executive Director of the Fort Collins Downtown Development Authority
AUGUST 4 – 6PM | Mighty River Brewing Company
Front Range Populiation Growth and the Impacts of Colorado Water Law
with Tom Cech, Co-Director of One World One Water Center at MSU Denver – A Denver Botanic Gardens Collaboration
AUGUST 26 – 6PM | High Hops Brewery
Irrigation Technology: Benefiting local communities and economies
with Zach Thode, president of Lehi Water
SEPTEMBER 2 – 6PM | Timnath Beerwerks
Beer! Why Would We Drink Water?
with Peter Bouckaert, Co-Author of “Wood & Beer”, former Brewmaster at New Belgium, current owner and Brewmaster at Purpose Brewing and Cellars
Interested in hosting a Poudre Pub Talk? Fill out this online form and we will be in touch soon to organize a Pub Talk with your pub or brewery.