Our work would not be possible without the volunteers that donate their valuable time, talents and energy to making our programs successful. Thank you to each and every person that has become a part of the Poudre Heritage Alliance family through volunteering. Now, please meet Kenton Daubert, our Volunteer of the Month!

Reasons I enjoy working with PHA are there is so much to learn concerning the culture of this area. Water is a very important concern to everyone in the world. I recommend that if a person can attend the West Slope and East Slope tours that Northern Water provides to do so. They are highly informational! I have attended many Pub Talks and have learned lots about the Poudre River from the early days of colonization on up to the present time. I enjoy meeting the people that I have met by being involved with PHA. Everyone has a history and many talents.
Take care everyone and enjoy life!
Your friend,
Kenton Daubert
To learn more about volunteer opportunities with the Poudre Heritage Alliance please contact Andy Auer, PHA Volunteer Coordinator, at programs@poudreheritage.org.